Acne Treatment in Urdu

Acne Treatment in Urdu

Acne Treatment is very necessary for us in now days. Because it is becoming very critical problem now a days. When the people go throw the age of the new young mean the adult age than he she facing the problems of acnes nail acnes pimples which are affecting the beauty very negatively in the majority people are facing this type of problems. Than the girls are scraping it with the help of nails which is not that action can bring the more side effects to our skin face and also making the sign in the face. There are a lot of acne cream in the market which are using for acne cleaning some are work and some are very expansive but still doesn�t has the proof of the good work.

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The expert of the skin are saying that acnes has the time it has the limit after that limit the acnes will go off so try to don�t touch the acnes and leave it after some time it will go off and your face will be clean clear from the acnes. Actually the acnes is because by the Hormonal jeans which are not maintain always it is for some time so wait for its own time than see the change if you are still facing it than go for the natural treatment mean to say that take the treatment from the remedies not directly us the acne cream which are not good for the face skin has the some dis advantages.

Home Remedies for Acne Treatment in Urdu

There are some homemade acnes treatment try to read it with details and apply your require tips on your problems.

If we take care of the skin face than we can stay away from the acnes easily. In this stage where we are feel fear of the acnes here we need the major points implement which is to take care of foods mean that eat the food which are good for it and leave the food which are not good for the acnes. Foods which are contains fats oils sweets these are bad for acnes so stay away from that food and also don�t eat the chocolates ice creams cookies etc. which are also very bad for it. The foods which are good for the acnes are the fiber diet vegetables fruits which are very good for them. Also stay away from the cold drinks.

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Instead of the cream you will need to try to use the soup there are the soups which are good for acnes so use it for it in the medical store markets these soups are a lot use it and see the work of it. 
Lemon is the best solutions for acne treatments always try to use the lemon on your face for example take a lemon and squeeze it and massage with its juice to your face it will bring the amazing change on your face.

Add the some lemon drops in the glycerin and mix it than apply to your face it will also work very amazingly.

Acne Treatment in Urdu


Pimples acne tips treatments in Urdu