Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment used to treat different physical and mental health conditions. In Acupuncture, sterilized needles are inserted in the body at specific points (acupoints or pressure points). These points are considered as energy points known as meridians. This process stimulates sensory nerves resulting in producing natural body hormones.
7 Amazing Acupuncture Benefits:
Acupuncture can be used for various reasons but the 7 best benefits of it are as follows,1- Acupuncture Benefits For Skin:
Acupuncture can be done on different parts of your body's skin like legs, arms, or face. Cosmetic acupuncture helps in dealing with your skin's cells and makes them healthy. Give them a healthy and fresh look. It's also used as an anti-ageing process. Acupuncture treatment also helps in treating acne and it's considered quite effective. Usually, facial acupuncture lasts up to 3 to 5 years with maintenance treatment. If this process is used on legs or arms' skin, it'll treat cramps and pain.2- Acupuncture Benefits For Hair Loss:
3- Acupuncture Benefits For High Blood Pressure:
You may be amazed that acupuncture has 12 types and each type can be used for different treatments. One of the types of acupuncture may help in lowering high blood pressure but it's not for a lifetime. It generally lowers blood pressure of hypertension patients for up to 6 weeks. As high blood pressure links to heart disease, therefore, acupuncture has also its benefits for heart patients.4- Acupuncture Benefits For Anxiety:
5- Acupuncture Benefits For Weight Loss:
6- Acupuncture Benefits For Pregnancy:
7- Acupuncture Benefits For Arthritis:
There are different types of arthritis. Acupuncture may help improve symptoms for certain types of arthritis. Actually, acupuncture balances energy flow in the body and heals it. Acupuncture needs a number of courses before fully become effective on your body. It encourages the production of good feeling hormones, that make body relax and relieve the body from aches and pain. Needles leave on the body for a certain amount of time and then removed.What To Do After Acupuncture?
After the acupuncture session, you may feel tired. It's better to take some rest or a nap. Avoid doing exercise having exertion. Walking is fine for your body, only don't try to drag yourself. Feeling tired or fatigue isn't a negative point. It's a healing process through which your body is going after acupuncture.