7 Mental Health Tips That are Approved by Therapists. Don't Ignore Your Mental Health - Smeh Beautytips

Mental health is a widely discussed topic from the past few years, it doesn't mean that people didn't suffer from mental health issues in the past but they'd been poorly treated or not treated at all. There is a lot going on for mental health awareness and now, many people started understanding what to do if they have or any of their relatives or friends have anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. Mild symptoms can be treated at home without starting medications. Taking care of your mental health before getting distressed is like saving something for a rainy day. 
Here I am going to write about 7 mental health tips that are given by therapists and it'll surely help you if you've a mild condition. For severe conditions, it's better to talk to a psychiatrist. 

Early Symptoms of Poor Mental Health:

Early symptoms of poor mental health include;
  • Poor concentration and get easily distracted.
  • Decision making becomes hard.
  • Feeling tired and have less interest in daily activities.
  • Sleeping too much or too little.
  • Difficulty in controlling emotions.
  • Avoiding social activities.
  • Being aggressive in nature.

Mental Health Tip #1;
Discuss Your Concerns With A Therapist:

When you feel disturbed and you don't want to discuss it with family or friends then you can talk to a therapist. Therapist keeps all of your details and problems private, gives you therapy to improve mental health. Therapist discusses your problems and guides you. They also change your negative thoughts to positive ones. Therapists are especially helpful if you're living a tense or stressful life because of any toxic relationships, negative thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back.

Mental Health Tip #2;
Mindfulness & Meditation:

Thoughts are simply mental events which can be controlled. Therapists recommend meditation and mindfulness to improve mental health. Giving a few minutes to meditation daily helps a lot of people. Meditation is a skill and by practising you can become good at it. Meditation helps you to clear your mind. For more details, please check post, What is Meditation.

Mindfulness helps you to enjoy the moment. When you're in the moment you enjoy it much better than keep thinking past and ruining your present. Don't rush in life, enjoy every moment. Mindfulness helps to see the world more clearly while being present in the moment. Practice yourselves and your children to live in the present and don't stuck in the past. If you've any issue then resolve it in the present rather keep worrying without resolving it. If we can't solve the problem then overthinking won't help either so leave it, things will work themselves out.

Mental Health Tip #3;
Do Physical Activities or Exercise:

Stop procrastination and start becoming more active. Exercise can fit you both mentally and physically. During exercise, chemicals are released in the body that is good for your brain function. Do at least 20 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week. You may feel lazy before starting an exercise but you'll feel good after doing it. Regular exercise helps many people in reducing anxiety and depression. Physical activities like walking in nature, bike riding, pushing a baby stroller and swimming help many people to ease their symptoms. Oxidative stress can also cause anxiety and if you want to know about daily stress remedies then please check my post, 'Oxidative Stress and Its Remedies'.

Mental Health Tip #4;
Take A Good Diet:

Do you know what we eat and drink affects our mental health? Yes! it does. Although diet doesn't have a huge impact on our mental health but eating anything in excess is harmful. Eat a balanced diet.

Foods that contain omega 3, magnesium, vitamin B, vitamin D 3 and herbal supplements may help to manage depression. Avoid caffeinated drinks or tea. Omega 3 is best for our brain. Omega 3, vitamin B, vitamin D 3 and magnesium are found in fishes. Vitamin B and magnesium are also found in whole grains and vegetables. Vitamin D 3 is found in cheese and in egg yolks.

Mental Health Tip #5;
Make Social Interactions:

Take some time out from your digital devices and interact with others around you. For a happy healthy family bonding, it's important that you give time to the people near you. Spending time on digital devices and ignoring people around you, can't make you happy.

We human beings are social animals. Even an introvert needs some kind of social interaction to keep being normal. It's healthy to do interactions with other peoples. Make some time for it, a few days in a week. There're social communities and clubs where people interact and find new friends. A laugh with your friends has incredible effects on your mental health because when we laugh, our brains release dopamines that are 'feeling happy' chemicals. These chemicals also release physical tension and stress. These nice social interactions have significant effects on keeping our brain healthy.

Mental Health Tip #6;
Be Grateful For That You Have:

For a good mental health, it's vital to be thankful for that you have. Taking things for granted put constraints on your happiness and relationships. Gratitude is the best attitude towards a happy life. It helps you to make good relationships, feel better both physically and mentally. It enhances empathy and reduces anger or violent behaviour. It improves your self-esteem.

Mental Health Tip #7;
Know Things That You Love To Do:

In busy lives, sometimes, we forget the things that make us happy. We are constantly busy fulfilling our daily life responsibilities, don't get time for the things that we love to do. It's important to know what makes you happy, give some time to yourselves and to the activities that you love to do.

In the end,

If you're following any of the above tips then it means you're doing good for your mental health. Keep yourselves active, think positive and avoid being stuck in the past can effectively change your life for the better.

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