What is Vitamin D3 Benefits on your Skin, Hair & Health? (Cholecalciferol Benefits) - Smeh Beautytips

Vitamin D is a term given to both Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. The differences between both are; the first one is obtained from plants and another one is obtained from sunlight and animals. Vitamin D3 absorbs more quickly in the body than vitamin D2. 
Vitamin D3 is actually not a vitamin, it's a hormone which improves intestinal absorption. It absorbs healthy nutrition mainly calcium.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Deficiency Symptoms:

Vitamin D3 deficiency has multifarious side effects that are as follows:
  1. Pain in bones and back.
  2. Catch infections often (Poor Immune System).
  3. Muscle aches.
  4. Cause low mood and depression.
  5. Cancer
  6. Heart disease
  7. Cognitive disorder.
  8. Weight gain
  9. Asthma in children.

Vitamin D-3 (cholecalciferol) Benefits:

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Improves the Immune System:

Deficiency in vitamin D3 results in the weaker immune system. According to researchers, vitamin D3 plays a vital role in boosting our immune system. It activates the immune system's T cells that are responsible for immune response. Vitamin D3 helps in fighting with infections so people having low Vitamin D3 level are more prone to infections and illnesses. 

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) Improves Hair & Skin:

According to new researches, Vitamin D3 is good for both hair and skin. It strengthens skin protection and boosts the immune system that fights with any inflammation. People having a lower level of vitamin D3 prone more to skin conditions like eczema. Skin sweating is in one of the symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency that makes skin dry and itchy.

Vitamin D3 increases the production of new follicles thus the production of new hair. Hair follicles are tiny pores from where hair grows. A lower level of vitamin D3 causes hair to fall because lower level can cause alopecia (A condition that causes baldness).

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) helps in Decreasing Cells Division:

Vitamin D3 encourages normal cells growth by stimulating the production of protein in the body. These proteins stop the multiproduction of cells that can result in cancer. Calcitriol in vitamin D3 protects from the growth of cancerous cells and decrease the process of cell division which is associated with cancer.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) helps in maintaining healthy Bones and Teeth:

Vitamin D3 is good for bones' health. Lower the level of vitamin D3 higher the risk of weaker bones. It helps intestine in absorbing calcium which is vital in keeping bones healthy. The right level of vitamin D3 in the body avoid early symptoms of knees, joints or back's pain. The bad news is vitamin D3 doesn't improve bone density which reduces with the age.

Bacteria harm teeth. Vitamin D3 improves teeth resistance to fight bacteria. Calcium is important in making jawbones healthy, vitamin D3 helps in absorbing calcium thus essential for good oral health.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) for Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, it's good to take 10 micrograms Vitamin D3 or Vitamin D daily. Vitamin D helps in getting baby enough calcium and phosphate that is vital for his/her development. Low level of Vitamin D during pregnancy may result in premature childbirth or asthma in children. Sometimes it's also linked to miscarriages. For a good mental health check post, 7 Mental Health Tips That are Approved by Therapists.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) for Anxiety and Depression:

Vitamin D3 plays a vital role in a healthy nervous system. Vitamin D3 is good for the brain: lower the level of Vitamin D3 higher the rate of low mood. Anxiety is also linked to it; It's reported that many patients having anxiety and depression have a low level of Vitamin D3 in the body. There are also many other factors that can cause anxiety and depression.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) in Menopause:

After a few years of menopause, bones start getting weaker. For keeping bones healthy (for long) it's advisable to take an adequate dose of Vitamin D3. For women over 50, the daily recommended dose of Vitamin D3 is 2000 IU. The best ways to get enough Vitamin D3 are dairy products, sunlight, and supplements.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and K2:

There are supplements available in the market that include Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and Calcium. Together they help in keeping bones healthy and strong. Vitamin K2 helps in the absorption of calcium in the bones with the help of Vitamin D3.

Sources of Vitamin D3/ Cholecalciferol:

Vitamin D3 is found in animal products like oily fish and eggs. Your skin can absorb vitamin D3 through sunlight but make sure to avoid sunburns. Always, use sun cream to protect your skin. You might think that sun cream also blocks vitamin D3 but it's not completely true. Even after wearing sun cream your bodies can absorb some amount of vitamin D3 from sunlight.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Side effects:

Vitamin D3 has generally no side effects when taking the right dose. High Vitamin D3 dose shoots calcium level in the body. Taking higher doses give queasy feelings, frequent urination, feeling thirsty, dizziness, and headache.

Vitamin D3 Injections:

A severe Vitamin D3 deficiency causes severe pain in back and bones. Vitamin D3 injections are recommended to patients having significantly low vitamin D3 level. This injection boosts the immune system and patients relief from pain fastly. Injection dose is depended on the condition. Usually, 3 doses of Vitamin D3 injections are recommended per week. GP takes a blood test to ensure the right dose of Vitamin D3 for the patient.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) for Vegans and Vegetarians:

It's a bit hard to say that Vitamin D3 is for vegans and vegetarians because it comes from the animal products. But Vitamin D3 that's driven from sheep's wool can be taken by both vegetarians and vegans because sheep's wool goes through several processes to achieve chemical product 'cholecalciferol'. Check more detail in the post, Is Vitamin D3 Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.

What should be a daily recommended Vitamin D3 dosage?

It's recommended to take 1000-4000 IU daily. If you live in a colder region where you don't get enough sunlight for making vitamin D3 then take supplements. Overexposure to sunlight can result in sunburn so care should be taken and apply suncream before exposure. 
Are you sure, you're taking the right type of vitamin D? Check it in this post.

Best Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Supplements:

There are varieties of Vitamin D3 supplements available in the market. Choosing the right supplements not only help in giving better result but it also recovers patients quickly. Here, I am sharing a post in that there are 11 best Vitamin D3 supplements according to the ranking. Check post, 'Ranking the best Vitamin D supplements of 2019'.


Vitamin D3 has multifarious benefits. It's good for skin, hair and overall health. For a better immune system, adding foods having Vitamin D is a good option. Those who catch infections quickly should take a proper diet or add Vitamin D supplements. Skin condition- eczema and hair fall are linked to a low level of Vitamin D3. It's also good for strong bones and teeth. Pregnant women should take a proper dose of Vitamin D for good baby development and avoiding the risk of early childhood asthma. 


Every human is different. It's not 100% guaranteed that every product suits everyone or everyone has similar treatment result. So for applying anything on the skin first do a patch test on the wrist especially people with sensitive skin. Only carry on with the product when there are no side effects of it. Don't take any supplement without reading the information on the leaflet or without consulting a doctor.

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